Cancellation Policy

Thank you for taking the time to observe the following policies:

Please give 48 hours notice when calling to reschedule. If you are unable to do so, 50% of your booked service amount will be due the day of your cancellation. This will need to be paid before you can book any future services. Some exceptions apply.

If you are sick, been exposed or are waiting for your covid test results you can call the same day. Please do not come to your appointment sick.

No call no show is 50% of your appointment booked or service quote given during consultation.

Card on file with $25 deposit is required to book an appointment for new guests. Cash deposit is accepted in lieu of card on file.

After covid we have had an increase in no call no show appointments and have to require deposits for all new guests. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Late policy

We have a 15-minute late policy, if you are going to be more than 15 minutes late please call to let your stylist know. Depending on the services you are scheduled for, you may need to reschedule your appointment.

Multiple Sessions

Please note some color services require multiple sessions to achieve your goal. If your desired outcome is not achievable in one session / visit, your stylist will consult with you about this. This means you will need to be ok with wearing your hair in transition colors between appointments, that are typically warmer tones on your way to the desired result. In these cases, as a guest you must observe the following policies:

When your desired outcome cannot happen in one visit, we cannot give refunds or another visit at a discounted rate if your first session does not give you your desired goal. We can move up your second session sooner based on the discretion of your stylist and the health of your hair, but it will be full price.

Please also note we cannot guarantee any service or the condition of your hair without the purchase of our salon products. We reserve the right to refuse a service based on the health of the hair and if salon products will not be purchased. Glazes fade and tones change when not using the proper salon products and heat protectants. This gives way for unwanted warmer/brassy tones in the hair. In this instance, a second glazing appointment is necessary as well as the proper take home products. If your glaze fades because the recommended at home care was not purchased or used, your second glaze appointment is full price.

Thank you for your understanding with our policies.



We don’t sell information to any third party companies.



We want you to leave happy, loving your hair and your after-care products.